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Website Launch: Fit For Happiness Life Coaching Website Design

website design launch web design life coach coaching website

It's time to celebrate the launch of a new life coaching website! Learn the deets of this feminine, elegant redesign.

Sometimes you have the best. business. plan. ever. (Like, ever!)

The only thing holding you back from absolutely rocking your niche is, well, your website. (*Cue the tiny violins!*)

Life coach Tarryn Brackett of Fit For Happiness found herself in just this sort of situation. While clients raved about her coaching skills and subscribers adored her lead magnet resources, she felt her DIY Wix website was holding her back.

“I was getting people to my site,” Tarryn shared. “But no one was staying!”

Tarryn and I worked together to restyle her existing branding and online marketing approach to ensure her website redesign would not only attract her ideal client, but would encourage them stick around and become email subscribers!

Woven throughout Tarryn’s new site is the foundational website philosophy I call the Yes Path to Success (stay tuned for a free training on this very topic coming soon). Essentially, we recognized that while many of Tarryn’s fans were clicking over to her website from Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, those first time visitors didn’t yet feel ready to book a complimentary Coaching Consultation.

Was something wrong with Tarryn’s offer of a free call? Absolutely not! We simply needed to add a simpler step her first time website visitors could take (an easier “yes,” if you will) to get one step closer to becoming a paying client.

Enter Tarryn’s perfect freebie lead magnet: the Master Your Mindset guide.

 Instead of letting this freebie hide away in the shadows, the new website brings it front and center as an attractive, scroll-stopping call to action.

If you’ve been around Sierra Lin Design for awhile, you know I love a good freebie, so we weren’t about to stop there with Tarryn’s lead magnet.

The new website also boasts a mini-sales page showing off the Master Your Mindset guide – a step too many coaches overlook. If you put all that time into creating a standout, beautiful lead magnet, then it deserves to be shown off:

A few quick facts on Tarryn’s website redesign before we dive into her interview:

  • Website Platform: Wix
  • Branding Notes: Feminine and elegant, with bright energetic notes that keep the mood from drooping into stuffiness or feeling too “girly-girl”
  • Color Palette: Light pink, warm charcoal, clean whites, hints of mint
  • Photo Notes: Tarryn’s gorgeous brand photos were taken in the cloudy Pacific Northwest, so a touch of lightening editing was needed to make the photos feel classy and not too dark. We complimented Tarryn’s profile shots with a mix of playful and sunny stock photos to round out the feminine features with a summertime relaxation vibe.

My favorite features of the Fit For Happiness redesign?

  • A mini sales page that shows off the lead magnet freebie
  • Collage overlay photo effects for truly unique page layouts across the site
  • A balance of bright and bold branding colors and photo choices
  • Instagram feed in the website footer (you know I love connecting on Insta!)
  • And it almost goes without saying, but I’d be amiss not to mention that this website is completely mobile responsive (because don’t we all surf the web more on our phones now anyways?)

I asked Tarryn of Fit For Happiness to share her thoughts on the web design process:

1. What made you decide it was time for a website redesign?

"I was getting people to my site, but no one was staying!"

2. What are your favorite things about your new website?

"Love the colors, and the fonts, and how easy you made it for me to understand how the changes were made and gave me a guide so if I want to add anything later on I can."

3. What was your favorite thing about working with me?

"You were super easy to work with, accommodating, and had a quick turnaround! Plus, incredibly reasonable prices!"

4. If you were to recommend me or my design services to others, what would you say?

"Sierra is the best! Definitely the kind of person you want on your team. She really cares about your business, and designing the best possible site."

5. What would you tell someone who’s considering working with me, but is on the fence about making their decision?

"Stop overthinking! You won’t regret working with her."

6. How do you think your new website will impact your business? 

"This new site is beautiful! I think it will make people want to explore the whole site rather than leaving after visiting one page."



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