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Kajabi Website Launch ✧ Chellie Rule - Fibromyalgia Recovery Coach

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare and wellness, individuals facing chronic conditions often seek tailored support and guidance on their journey to recovery. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of a groundbreaking platform that promises to be a beacon of hope for those grappling with fibromyalgia – Chellie Rule's Fibromyalgia Recovery Coaching site & program!

A New Haven for Fibromyalgia Warriors

Chellie Rule, a seasoned expert and passionate advocate for fibromyalgia awareness, has taken a giant leap forward in her mission to empower individuals with fibromyalgia. Her newly launched landing page style website, Fibromyalgia Recovery Coach, serves as a beacon of light for those navigating the challenges of fibromyalgia.

With a relaxing design that transports the viewer to a tropical paradise, we hoped to channel Chellie’s hopeful attitude and mission to help people suffering from fibromyalgia recover and find peace.


"I really wanted a beachy/Caribbean feel to my site because it makes me feel good, and Sierra knew exactly what I was talking about. I had my dream website in a few days (can't beat that!)"

Chellie Rule, Fibromyalgia Recovery Coach



Here is just some of what we tackled for this Kajabi Landing Page Site:


1. New Brand Design:

Chellie Rule's approach to recovery transcends conventional methods. We wanted her new brand design, logo, and website to reflect the place of peace her client’s can expect to be in once they get the help they need. We used a color palette that alludes to tropical white sand beaches along with a clean design that focuses on Chellie’s new course.

2. Educational Resources:

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding and managing fibromyalgia. Chellie’s course, Fibromyalgia Exposed, is a step-by-step system that addresses relief for fibromyalgia pain, including online fibromyalgia support groups for women. It’s a safe space to explore symptoms, connect with other women suffering from fibro, get encouragement, and explore what works best.


I asked Chellie to share her favorite parts of working together, and what  she loves most about her new Kajabi website:

What is your favorite part of your new design and set up?

“Everything! My website is dreamy and makes me feel good.”

How do you think this update will impact your business?

"This will make a significant impact on my business. It was a crucial step that I put off for too long.”

Did we successfully accomplish your design goals? What was your favorite part about working together?

“Every time I had contact with Sierra, there was a smile on her face and she has a fun personality. It was a dream to work with her. I really wanted a beachy/Caribbean feel to my site because it makes me feel good, and Sierra knew what I was talking about, and I had my dream website in a few days (can't beat that!). I had been putting this off for two years thinking I had to build my website. Not true at all.”



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